
Elevate Employee Engagement with Shift

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What are Employee Engagement Systems?

A highly engaged and motivated workforce is an absolute game-changer in almost any industry. Morale rises, work efforts increase, and customers leave businesses more satisfied with their experience. This all translates into increased revenue and a happy business owner.

A highly engaged and motivated workforce is an absolute game-changer in almost any industry. Morale rises, work efforts increase, and customers leave businesses more satisfied with their experience. This all translates into increased revenue and a happy business owner.

There are so many ways to increase employee engagement within your business, but some solutions are faster, cheaper and easier than others. Here’s what you need to know about investing in an employee engagement system.

What are employee engagement systems?

Employee engagement systems are sets of tools, processes, documents, and resources that work in tandem to boost employee engagement at an organization. Other names that employee engagement systems are known by include employee engagement tools, employee engagement software, and employee engagement platforms.

If you’re new to the world of business, you might be wondering what employee engagement is and why is it so important that you need comprehensive employee engagement systems?

Well, employee engagement is a strategic approach to management and workplace learning that strives to promote employee involvement and satisfaction. When done right, employee engagement results in conditions that allow all members of an organization to excel.

From an employee’s perspective, Forbes defines employee engagement as: “the emotional commitment an employee has to an organization and its goals.”

Engagement can be a collaborative effort between employees and management, where both sides work together to create an environment that promotes a positive workplace culture that encourages ambition and effort.  

What is the importance of an employee engagement system?

To understand the importance of an employee engagement system, you need to first understand why employee engagement is important. Employee engagement has many positive effects on both employees and their workplace. These benefits may include:

  • Increased productivity and performance: Engaged employees are more willing to put their best efforts forward to accomplish their goals.
  • Improved employee retention: An employee who is positively engaged with their work tends to find more satisfaction in their work, creating feelings of loyalty and appreciation toward their employers.  
  • Improved employee morale: Engaged employees tend to find more satisfaction in their jobs and have higher opinions of management, and so tend to have higher morale than those who are disengaged.
  • Improved customer satisfaction: Employees who are positively engaged with a business tend to be friendlier and seek to boost the image of the business with customers, leading to more positive customer interactions and higher customer satisfaction.

As you can see from the benefits of employee engagement, having the right employee engagement system can affect virtually every aspect of your business ranging from internal efficiency and productivity to external reputation and even financial growth.

What does an employee engagement tool do in the workplace?

An employee engagement tool often puts employees at the center of their management approach. A workplace that openly fosters employee engagement may prioritize open communication that addresses pain points in employee experiences, Such an organization uses employee engagement systems to recognize hard work and success while prioritizing employee development that comes in the form of training or other learning initiatives.

Contrary to popular belief, an employee engagement software offers a whole lot more than just organization-wide meetings and long-winded emails. In fact, at Shift, we believe that there are far more exciting and engaging ways to make your employees involved in their work.

How to use Shift digital signage software as an employee engagement tool

Help employees share feedback with the employee engagement survey software

A proven strategy for facilitating employee engagement is to create opportunities for employees to provide feedback. This strategy, however, only works when the feedback is actually internalized and implemented.

Shift makes it easy to do this in your business. You can create and share surveys through the use of QR scanning on your existing BOH displays. Use Shift to link the QR code to a survey you have created and allow the employees to provide feedback right from their phones. That’s right, no need to dig through email inboxes for an old link!

Create surveys that are focused or broad in scope depending on the information you need. Remember, though, that the most important part of this process boils down to implementation.

You can begin to address the concerns and questions your employees most frequently have by maintaining open communication. While meetings and emails serve their own purpose, making information accessible and consistent throughout your establishment ensures that your employees feel supported.

Create screens with updated SOPs and reminders about workplace policies so that your employees are always in the loop, even when they are away from their desks or out of your staff training. This is the perfect way to keep communication open between staff and management. Shift’s intuitive content creation platform is powered by Canva so that you can keep screens and surveys current with little to no effort.

Use the employee engagement system to gamify work

Sometimes a little competition is all employees need to bring out their best efforts and stay fully engaged with their work. There are two popular approaches to use here, team competition and individual competition.

Common goal competitions are designed to get the entire team working together to reach a common objective. This objective can take different forms depending on the type of business you run and can include anything from sales to customer service metrics.

Common goals can help businesses build a culture of teamwork, a motivator that Shift capitalizes on so you can see results from your staff.  Shift integrates with point of sale (POS) systems to help you track and display sales and inventory. It makes it easy to keep teams accountable to one another and boosts revenue-driving behavior. If you want to up the ante, try throwing in a prize for the winning team!

Something as simple as a pizza party, for instance, can go a long way. After all, who doesn’t love a free lunch?

Driving competition with sales isn’t the only way you can use your digital screens to create interactive content that motivates employee engagement. You can even use Shift to create quizzes and trivia to test your employee's knowledge!

This makes competition more individualized, making it possible for employees in specific roles to compete against one another. These friendly challenges can help your employees learn on the job while having some fun.

Celebrate hard work through employee engagement solutions

Research conducted through Gallup reveals that employee recognition can have serious impacts on employees. It can make them feel more socially connected to their workplace and colleagues, reduce feelings of burn out and can even affect their outlook on life!

Employee recognition can include anything from congratulatory communication to monetary bonuses. How you choose to recognize employees may vary, but what is most important is that your employees feel their hard work and effort are appreciated and noticed. Shift makes doing this as easy as clicking a button.

You can recognize your staff members throughout your organization with digital displays. Creating custom display content that features photos, highlights or customer testimonials for your star staff members is easier than ever with Shift’s Canva integration. With hundreds of templates and royalty-free images to choose from, you can easily change and update your displays as often as you want, each customized with personal information. You can even incorporate custom branding and logos.  

Other options for celebratory displays include things like recognizing milestones, birthdays or work anniversaries! The possibilities are endless.

Shift makes using an employee engagement system easy

Shift is a great employee engagement system that makes it easy to cultivate a work environment that prioritizes employees, their wellbeing, development, satisfaction, and happiness. With POS integration, content scheduling, and intuitive content creation tools, your house screens will become an integral part of your workplace culture.

What does it take to get Shift running? A simple screen that can be connected to the internet is all you need to hit the ground running. Really, it’s that simple!  Ready to get your employees excited about the work they do? Try a free demo to see how Shift can help you revamp your employee engagement strategy.

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